Dude Food

The Future of Farming: What a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump Presidency Could Mean for American Farmers

Written by Matthew Link 

Published on August 31, 2024

As we gear up for another round of elections, the farming community finds itself in a familiar spot—caught between the promises of two very different candidates. Whether you’re a rancher, a farmer, or just a dude who cares about where his meat comes from, it’s worth considering what a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump presidency might mean for American agriculture. We’re all about clean, American-raised meat here at Dude Food, so let’s break down what’s at steak (stake, get it?), looking at the facts from their previous time in office.

Kamala Harris: The Democrat’s Take on Agriculture

The Good

Kamala Harris, as a key player in the Biden administration, has been part of policies that emphasize climate-smart agriculture. This means a push for practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil health, and promote sustainability. For those dudes who are into regenerative farming or anything eco-friendly, this could be a big plus. More funding for sustainable farming practices and research into new, eco-friendly technologies could help American farmers lead the way in innovative agriculture.


Another potential win for the farming community under Harris is her support for increasing access to markets for small and medium-sized farms. This could translate into better opportunities for local farmers to get their products out there without having to compete against massive, subsidized agribusinesses. In theory, this means more American-grown food on American tables, which is something we can all get behind.

The Bad

However, Harris’s focus on climate regulations could also pose challenges. Stricter environmental rules might mean more red tape for farmers and ranchers, leading to higher costs. While these regulations are aimed at protecting the planet, they could put a strain on smaller operations that are already operating on thin margins. The concern here is that the added costs could drive some farmers out of business, or force them into less sustainable practices just to stay afloat.

There’s also the potential for increased government intervention in agricultural practices, which some dudes might see as an overreach. The emphasis on climate-smart policies might come with mandates that require changes to farming methods, which could limit a farmer’s freedom to run their operation as they see fit.

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Donald Trump: The Republican Approach to Farming

The Good

During his time in office, Donald Trump was known for his “America First” approach, which extended to agriculture. His administration pushed for trade deals that aimed to protect American farmers, including renegotiating NAFTA into the USMCA. For many in the agricultural sector, these moves were seen as a big win, helping to open up markets and protect American-made products from unfair competition.

Trump’s deregulation efforts also meant less red tape for farmers, giving them more freedom to run their operations without constant oversight. This was a major plus for those who believe in minimal government interference in business. For the pro-rancher, pro-farmer dudes out there, this meant a more straightforward, no-nonsense approach to agriculture.

The Bad

On the flip side, Trump’s trade wars, especially with China, hit some American farmers hard. The tariffs led to retaliatory actions that reduced demand for American agricultural products abroad, causing significant disruptions in certain markets. While the administration did provide subsidies to help farmers weather the storm, not all were convinced that the long-term benefits outweighed the immediate pain.

Moreover, while deregulation can be beneficial, it can also come at a cost. Environmental protections that were rolled back during Trump’s tenure could lead to long-term damage to the land, which is the very resource farmers rely on. The reduction in conservation programs also raised concerns among those who believe that protecting the environment is key to sustainable farming.

So, What’s the Bottom Line for Dudes Who Care About Farming?

Both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump bring their own sets of pros and cons to the table when it comes to farming. Harris’s focus on sustainability and climate-smart agriculture could pave the way for a greener future, but it might come with increased regulations that could be tough for small farmers. Trump’s America-first, deregulation-heavy approach could mean more freedom for farmers to do their thing, but the risks of trade wars and environmental harm are worth considering.

At the end of the day, the choice between these two candidates could shape the future of American farming in very different ways. Whether you’re all about reducing your carbon footprint or prefer the idea of less government interference, it’s clear that the upcoming election will have a significant impact on the agricultural landscape.

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