How Importing Meat is Killing the Economy and America's Farming Industry

Dudes, it’s time to get real. When you pick up that shrink-wrapped steak from the supermarket, do you know where it’s coming from? If the label reads "imported," you're not just buying meat—you’re supporting a system that’s slowly but surely choking the life out of American farmers and ranchers. 


At Dude Food, we’re all about clean, American-raised meat, and we think it’s high time we had a serious talk about how importing meat is wrecking our economy and the farming industry.

Imported Meat: Cheap for Supermarkets, Expensive for America

Let’s break it down. Supermarkets love importing meat because it’s cheap. It’s all about the bottom line for them, dudes. They don’t care where the meat comes from, as long as they can keep their costs down. But here’s the problem: importing meat means fewer dollars stay in America, and that’s bad news for everyone who cares about our economy and our farmers.

Every pound of imported meat that hits our shelves is one less pound bought from hardworking American ranchers. And when we don’t buy from our own, those ranchers can’t keep their operations running. They struggle to compete with the low prices of foreign meat, which is often raised in conditions we wouldn’t tolerate here. We're talking about meat that’s packed with additives, hormones, and who knows what else—definitely not the kind of stuff we’d put on our plates. You see, these big companies importing meat are turning a blind eye towards your health. They don't care if you get sick! All that matters to them is how much of a profit they'll gain or squeeze from every American that enters their stores. They love cutting corners just to earn a few more dollars to their names.

American Jobs Are Getting Cut

When we choose imported meat, we’re not just hurting farmers. We’re hurting every American worker who keeps our food system running. Ranch hands, truck drivers, meat processors, and local butchers are all affected when our dollars are sent overseas. It’s a ripple effect that stretches far beyond the farm. If we want to keep our American workforce strong, we need to support American agriculture.


Think of it this way, dudes: Every steak you buy from some mystery meat source overseas is like pulling a dollar out of your neighbor’s pocket. When you buy American-raised meat, you’re putting that dollar back into your own community. Supporting American ranchers means more jobs and more money staying right here in the U.S. It’s a win-win.

The Quality Just Doesn’t Stack Up

We’ve all heard the phrase, "You get what you pay for." Well, when it comes to imported meat, that couldn’t be more true. Sure, you might save a couple of bucks, but what are you really getting? Imported meat often comes from countries that don’t have the same safety standards, animal welfare regulations, or environmental protections that we do in the U.S. What does that mean? Unhealthy meat = unhealthy consumer. Which is probably why you're having allergies when eating this specific type of meat, or why your stomach always feel bloated. You are putting yourself and your family at risk when you consume meat that have been injected with hormones, antibiotics, mRNAs, etc.

Another side is the taste, because at the end of the day, that’s what matters, right? American-raised meat is just better. It’s fresher, cleaner, and more flavorful because our farmers and ranchers care about the product they’re putting out. When you bite into a steak or burger from Dude Food, you know it’s been raised right—without the mRNAs, antibiotics, or other garbage they sneak into supermarket imports. 










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It’s Time to Take a Stand for American Farmers

American ranchers are the backbone of this country, dudes. They’re out there, rain or shine, making sure we have the best meat on our plates. But every time we choose imported meat, we’re turning our backs on them. We’re saying that cheap, mass-produced, low-quality meat is more important than supporting our own. This isn’t just a matter of pride—it’s about survival. Our farmers and ranchers are facing mounting pressure from every side: rising costs, unpredictable weather, and the constant flood of cheaper, lower-quality meat imports. They can’t keep fighting this battle alone.


What’s at stake here is more than just a paycheck for farmers. It’s about preserving a way of life that’s been passed down through generations. These aren’t faceless corporations pumping out factory-farmed livestock; these are American families, often running small, sustainable operations. They’re not just producing meat; they’re caring for the land, managing ecosystems, and ensuring the future of American agriculture. When we choose imported meat, we’re not only risking their livelihoods—we’re putting the future of farming at risk. If we lose our local farmers, we lose the heart of our rural communities, the quality of our food, and the integrity of our food supply.


And let’s not forget, dudes—importing meat also means a greater reliance on foreign countries to feed our nation. In a world where supply chains can be disrupted in the blink of an eye, that’s a dangerous game. Do we really want to depend on other nations for something as essential as our food? Choosing American-raised meat isn’t just about supporting our economy—it’s about securing our food independence. It’s about making sure that the steaks, burgers, and ribs on your grill are raised right here, under American standards, by farmers who share your values.


Supporting American farmers also means supporting cleaner, healthier meat. Our local farmers and ranchers follow strict regulations that ensure the meat we eat is raised without harmful chemicals, additives, or questionable farming practices. When you buy American-raised meat, you know exactly what you’re getting—meat that’s free from mRNAs, hormones, and unnecessary antibiotics. Imported meat doesn’t always follow the same safety or ethical standards, which means you could be eating meat that’s been treated with who knows what. By standing with American farmers, you’re not only keeping your dollars in the U.S.—you’re also investing in better quality, cleaner, and healthier food for yourself and your family. It’s a choice that impacts both the health of our country and the health of our dinner plates.

Dude, Let's Keep It Local

At Dude Food, we stand with American farmers and ranchers. We believe in clean, additive-free meat raised on American soil by hardworking folks who do things the right way. It’s time to say no to the mass importation of foreign meat and yes to supporting our local farmers. 

It's time we encouraged more people to take a look into where they're getting their meat and begin advocating for our fellow American ranchers & farmers. We should not allow them to slowly die-out because it's what "consumerism" wants. 

The next time you’re at the supermarket, don’t settle for imported, low-quality meat. Buy American, support American, and enjoy meat that’s better for you, better for the economy, and better for the country.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where Does Dude Food Get Their Meat?

All of our meat come from farms across Midwestern United States. All the animals are born, raised, and processed in that area. Why? Because we care for our local community and we also want to make sure that every meat that you eat from is passes our quality assurance! We work hand-in-hand with our local farmers making sure that all the meat you get from Dude Food is clean, top quality meat!

How Is The Meat Shipped & Packed?

All of the meat that we have is individually vacuum sealed to ensure that it stays fresh! When we receive an order - we pack the meat in an insulated box surrounded by multiple pounds of dry ice. Why? We want to make sure that when the meat arrives at your door it should still be cool to the touch! 

Is Dude Food Supporting American Farmers?

Of course! Right now we are in partnership with over 50 American Farms! Dude Food is proudly American!

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By John Victoria
The Mancave | News For American Men By Dude Food
Aug 10, 2024

Hey dudes,

Let’s talk about something that’s been happening right under our noses: the massive disappearance of U.S. dairy farms. Over the past generation, two out of every three dairy farms have vanished, but here’s the kicker – milk production has actually risen by a third. Crazy, right?

At Dude Food, we’re all about supporting local farmers and ensuring that our food is both sustainable and delicious. This situation with dairy farms is something we can’t ignore. Let’s break down what’s happening, why it matters, and what we can do about it.

The Vanishing Act

Picture this: a generation ago, the U.S. was dotted with small dairy farms. These were family-run operations where dudes (and dudettes) woke up at the crack of dawn to milk cows and take care of their herds. Fast forward to today, and two-thirds of those farms are gone. Poof. Vanished.

So, what happened? Well, it’s a combination of economic pressures, technological advances, and shifting consumer preferences. Large-scale dairy operations have taken over, pushing small farms out of the market. These big players can produce milk more efficiently and at a lower cost, but at what price?

The Rise of Mega Dairies

While small farms have disappeared, milk production has increased by a third. This is thanks to the rise of mega dairies – massive operations with thousands of cows, high-tech milking systems, and industrial-scale production methods. These farms are pumping out more milk than ever before.

But let’s be real, dudes. There’s something special about knowing exactly where your milk comes from, knowing the farmer who produced it, and knowing that the cows were treated well. That’s something you lose with these mega dairies.

Quality Over Quantity

At Dude Food, we believe in quality over quantity. We partner with local dairy farmers who prioritize the health and well-being of their cows. Happy cows produce better milk – it’s as simple as that.

We’re not just about producing more; we’re about producing better. Our milk comes from cows that graze on lush pastures, are treated with care, and aren’t pumped full of hormones. It’s milk the way it’s supposed to be – fresh, pure, and delicious.

The Economic Squeeze

The economic reality for small dairy farms is tough. Rising costs, volatile milk prices, and increased competition from mega dairies have made it nearly impossible for many small farms to survive. These dudes are facing an uphill battle every single day.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to support local farmers. When you buy milk and dairy products from Dude Food, you’re supporting families, communities, and a way of life that’s worth preserving.

Sustainable Farming

Another reason to support small, local dairy farms is sustainability. Large-scale industrial farming can have significant environmental impacts. Smaller farms often use more sustainable practices, like rotational grazing, which benefits the land and the animals.

At Dude Food, we’re committed to sustainability. We believe that farming should work in harmony with nature, not against it. By supporting small dairy farms, we’re promoting practices that are better for the environment and for future generations.

The Future of Dairy

So, what’s the future of dairy farming? It’s hard to say, but one thing is clear: we need to support small farms. These farms are the backbone of rural communities and the source of some of the best milk you’ll ever taste.

We need to champion policies that support small farmers, invest in sustainable practices, and ensure that the dudes who work so hard to bring us fresh milk can continue to do so. It’s about preserving a way of life, supporting our local economy, and enjoying the best quality dairy products.

Wrapping It Up

Dudes, the disappearance of small dairy farms is a big deal. But by choosing to support local, sustainable farms, we can make a difference. Next time you pour yourself a glass of milk or dig into a bowl of ice cream, think about where it came from and who made it possible.

At Dude Food, we’re proud to support local dairy farmers and provide you with the best milk and dairy products out there. It’s about more than just milk – it’s about community, sustainability, and quality you can taste.

Stay strong, stay local, and keep supporting your farmers.

By John Victoria
Aug 08, 2024

Hey Dudes!

Ready to take your steak game to the next level? We’re talking about filet mignon, the king of steaks. This cut is tender, juicy, and packed with flavor, making it perfect for impressing your buddies or just treating yourself to a gourmet meal. Follow this guide, and you’ll be cooking filet mignon like a pro in no time. Make sure to use our brand-new Dude Food Filet Mignon for the best results!

  • 4 Dude Food filet mignon steaks (about 1.5 inches thick) 
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil 
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced 
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste 

The Prep

Step 1: Season the Dude Food Steaks

  1. Pat it Dry: Pat the filet mignon steaks dry with paper towels. This helps get that perfect sear.
  2. Season Generously: Drizzle olive oil over both sides of each steak. Season generously with salt and pepper. Trust us, dudes, you want that flavor to shine through.

Step 2: Let the Steaks Rest

Allow the seasoned steaks to sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. This helps them cook more evenly and absorb the flavors of the seasoning.

The Cook

Step 3: Preheat the Skillet

  1. Get it Hot: Preheat a cast-iron skillet over high heat. You want it nice and hot to sear those steaks and lock in the juices.

Step 4: Sear the Steaks

  1. Sear It Right: Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the skillet. Once the oil is shimmering, add the filet mignon steaks. Sear for 2-3 minutes per side to get a beautiful crust. Don’t move the steaks around too much; let the skillet do its job.

Step 5: Add Aromatics and Butter

  1. Flavor Boost: Add the minced garlic, rosemary, thyme, and butter to the skillet. As the butter melts, spoon it over the steaks. This basting process adds incredible flavor.

The Finish

Step 6: Finish in the Oven

  1. Bake to Perfection: Preheat your oven to 400°F. Once the steaks are seared, transfer the skillet to the oven. Bake for 5-7 minutes, depending on your desired level of doneness. Here’s a quick temperature guide:
    • Rare: 120-125°F
    • Medium Rare: 130-135°F
    • Medium: 140-145°F
    • Medium Well: 150-155°F
    • Well Done: 160°F and above

Step 7: Let the Steaks Rest

  1. Rest and Relax: Once the steaks are done, remove them from the skillet and let them rest on a cutting board for about 5-10 minutes. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making each bite juicy and flavorful.

The Serve

Step 8: Serve with Style

  1. Slice and Serve: If you’re feeling fancy, slice the steaks into thick strips and arrange them on a platter, or simply serve the whole steaks as they are.
  2. Add Extra Butter: For an extra touch of decadence, add a dollop of herb butter on top of each steak just before serving. Let it melt into the meat for a burst of flavor.

Optional Sides and Drinks

No epic steak dinner is complete without some killer sides and a cold drink. Here are some suggestions:

  • Sides: Garlic mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, sautéed mushrooms, Caesar salad.
  • Drinks: A full-bodied red wine, a cold beer, or a classic Old Fashioned.

Cooking Tips

  1. Quality Matters: Investing in high-quality filet mignon from a reputable butcher or farm-to-table provider makes a huge difference in flavor and tenderness.
  2. Don’t Skimp on Seasoning: Generously seasoning your steaks is key to bringing out their natural flavors.
  3. Use a Meat Thermometer: To nail the perfect doneness, use a meat thermometer. It takes the guesswork out of cooking.
  4. Resting is Crucial: Letting your steaks rest after cooking allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in a juicier, more flavorful bite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I cook filet mignon on the grill? A: Absolutely, dude! If you prefer grilling, sear the steaks on high heat for 2-3 minutes per side, then move them to indirect heat and finish cooking to your desired doneness.

Q: How do I store leftovers? A: Store any leftover filet mignon in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat gently in a skillet or enjoy cold in a steak salad.

Q: Can I use different herbs? A: Definitely! Feel free to experiment with different herbs like oregano, basil, or even a spice rub. Make it your own!

The Dudefood Difference

At Dudefood, we believe in using the highest quality, farm-to-table ingredients. Our filet mignon steaks are sourced from local farms that prioritize animal welfare and sustainable practices. This not only ensures the best flavor but also supports local communities and the environment.


There you have it, dudes! The ultimate guide to cooking filet mignon that’s sure to make you the hero of any dinner table. It’s all about that perfect sear, juicy meat, and bold flavors. Follow these steps, and you’ll have a meal that’s perfect for any occasion.

By John Victoria
The Mancave | News For American Men By Dude Food
Aug 04, 2024

Gather 'round, because we've got something we need to talk about. Recently, our very own Vice President, Kamala Harris, dropped a bombshell during a town hall. When asked if she’d change government dietary guidelines to reduce red meat consumption, she enthusiastically said, "Yes!" Now, if you’re like us, this statement probably made you do a double-take and maybe even choke on your steak.

We at Dude Food, find this idea not just absurd, but downright stupid. Let's dive into why Kamala Harris' suggestion is out of touch with reality, and why red meat is a critical part of our diet and our culture.

A Tradition Worth Keeping

For centuries, red meat has been a staple in diets around the world. It’s not just food; it’s a tradition. From family barbecues to holiday feasts, red meat brings people together. It’s the centerpiece of our gatherings, the highlight of our meals, and a key source of nutrients that are essential for our health.

Kamala Harris’ call to reduce red meat consumption feels like an attack on our way of life. It’s like asking Italians to give up pasta or the French to ditch their cheese. Dude, you just don’t mess with people’s food traditions.

Nutritional Powerhouse


Red meat is packed with high-quality protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins – nutrients that are vital for our health. It’s particularly important for men, who often have higher protein needs to support muscle mass and overall health. Taking red meat off the table isn’t just a culinary crime; it’s a nutritional nightmare.

Imagine telling a bodybuilder to switch to tofu. Sure, they might get their protein, but will it taste as good? Will it provide the same satisfaction and energy? Doubtful. Red meat fuels us in a way that plant-based proteins simply can’t match.

Economic Impact

Let’s not forget the economic side of things. The US is home to countless ranchers and farmers who depend on the red meat industry to make a living. Reducing red meat consumption would put these hardworking dudes and their families at risk. We’re talking about livelihoods here, not just dietary choices.

Our farm-to-table model is built on supporting local farmers and providing our customers with the best quality meat. Kamala’s proposal threatens this entire ecosystem. It’s a slap in the face to the dudes who work tirelessly to bring delicious, nutritious meat to our tables.

Environmental Myths

One of the main arguments for reducing red meat consumption is the environmental impact. But let’s cut through the bull. The reality is, sustainable farming practices can significantly mitigate these impacts. Many farms are already using methods that are environmentally friendly and even beneficial to the land.

At Dude Food, we pride ourselves on sustainable farming. Our animals are raised in humane conditions, and our farming practices contribute to the health of the land. Reducing red meat consumption isn’t the answer – supporting sustainable farming is.

The Freedom to Choose

In the land of the free, we should have the freedom to choose what we eat. Government overreach into our diets is a slippery slope. Today it’s red meat; tomorrow it could be something else. We believe in personal responsibility and the right to make our own choices about our health and our diet.

Kamala’s proposal feels like a nanny-state move, and we’re not here for it. We trust our customers to make informed decisions about their food. We’re here to provide the best quality products, not to dictate what’s on your plate.

Humor and Heart

Now, we get it. Talking about dietary guidelines can get a bit dry. So let’s inject a bit of humor because that’s how we roll at Dude Food. Picture this: Kamala Harris walks into a steakhouse and orders a salad. The waiter, with a look of sheer confusion, says, “Dude, are you sure about that?”

Or imagine a world where barbecues are replaced with tofu grilling sessions. Dudes standing around a grill, looking forlornly at their plates, reminiscing about the good old days of juicy steaks and hearty burgers. It’s a dystopian future we just can’t get behind.

Standing Together

At the end of the day, we stand with our fellow meat lovers. We stand with the farmers and ranchers who work hard to bring us the best red meat. And we stand for the freedom to enjoy the foods we love without government interference.

So here’s to red meat – to the steaks, burgers, and ribs that bring us together. Here’s to the farmers who make it possible. And here’s to the freedom to choose what we eat.

Stay strong, stay hungry, and keep grilling.

By John Victoria
Aug 02, 2024

Ready to master a dish that’s both impressive and insanely delicious? Chicken Kiev is a classic that’s all about juicy chicken breasts stuffed with herbed butter, then breaded and fried to golden perfection. This isn’t just any chicken dinner – this is a dish that will have your buddies calling you a culinary genius. So, grab your apron, get your frying pan ready, and let’s make some epic Chicken Kiev! Featuring our Dude Food Chicken Breasts!


  • 4 boneless, skinless Dude Food chicken breasts 
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened 
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped 
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped 
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice 
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour 
  • 2 large eggs, beaten 
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil for frying 

The Prep

Step 1: Make the Herbed Butter

  1. Mix it Up: In a bowl, combine the softened butter, parsley, dill, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Mix until everything is well incorporated.
  2. Shape and Chill: Place the butter mixture on a piece of plastic wrap and roll it into a log shape. Wrap it tightly and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or until firm.

Step 2: Prep the Chicken Breasts

  1. Butterfly the Chicken: Using a sharp knife, carefully butterfly each chicken breast. This means slicing them horizontally almost all the way through and then opening them like a book.
  2. Pound it Out: Place each butterflied chicken breast between two pieces of plastic wrap and pound them with a meat mallet until they are about 1/4 inch thick. This ensures they cook evenly and can hold the herbed butter.

Step 3: Stuff and Roll

  1. Slice the Butter: Once the herbed butter is firm, cut it into 4 equal pieces.
  2. Stuff the Chicken: Place one piece of herbed butter in the center of each pounded chicken breast. Fold the sides over the butter and roll it up tightly. Secure with toothpicks if needed to keep everything in place.

The Bread and Fry

Step 4: Bread the Chicken

  1. Set Up Your Station: Place the flour in one shallow dish, the beaten eggs in another, and the breadcrumbs mixed with Parmesan cheese in a third.
  2. Coat the Chicken: Dredge each stuffed chicken breast in the flour, shaking off any excess. Dip it into the beaten eggs, then coat it thoroughly with the breadcrumb mixture. Make sure each piece is well covered to get that perfect crispy crust.

Step 5: Fry it Up

  1. Heat the Oil: In a large skillet, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high heat.
  2. Fry the Chicken: Carefully place the breaded chicken breasts in the hot oil. Fry them for about 3-4 minutes per side, or until golden brown and crispy. You might need to do this in batches, depending on the size of your skillet.

The Bake

Step 6: Finish in the Oven

  1. Bake to Perfection: Preheat your oven to 350°F. Once the chicken breasts are fried, transfer them to a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and the internal temperature reaches 165°F.
  2. Rest: Let the chicken rest for a few minutes before serving. This helps the juices redistribute and ensures the butter stays inside.

The Serve

Step 7: Plate It Up

  1. Remove Toothpicks: If you used toothpicks to secure the chicken, be sure to remove them before serving.
  2. Garnish and Serve: Serve your Chicken Kiev with a side of mashed potatoes, a fresh salad, or some roasted veggies. Garnish with a bit of extra parsley for that final touch.

Optional Sides and Drinks

No epic meal is complete without some killer sides and a cold drink. Here are some suggestions:

  • Sides: Garlic mashed potatoes, steamed asparagus, roasted Brussels sprouts.
  • Drinks: A crisp white wine, a cold beer, or a refreshing iced tea.

Cooking Tips

  1. Keep the Butter Cold: Keeping the herbed butter cold and firm makes it easier to stuff and prevents it from leaking out during cooking.
  2. Pound Evenly: Make sure to pound the chicken breasts evenly so they cook at the same rate.
  3. Don’t Skip the Rest: Letting the chicken rest after baking keeps it juicy and allows the butter to settle inside.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I prepare Chicken Kiev ahead of time? A: Absolutely, dude! You can prepare the stuffed and breaded chicken breasts ahead of time and refrigerate them. When you're ready to cook, just fry and bake as directed.

Q: How do I store leftovers? A: Store any leftover Chicken Kiev in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat gently in the oven to maintain the crispy crust.

Q: Can I use different herbs in the butter? A: Definitely! Feel free to experiment with different herbs like tarragon, chives, or basil to suit your taste.

The Dude Food Difference

At Dude Food, we believe in using the highest quality, farm-to-table ingredients. Our chicken breasts are sourced from local farms that prioritize animal welfare and sustainable practices. This not only ensures the best flavor but also supports local communities and the environment.


There you have it, dudes! The ultimate Chicken Kiev recipe that’s sure to impress. It’s all about that crispy crust, juicy chicken, and delicious herbed butter. Follow these steps, and you’ll have a meal that’s perfect for any special occasion or just a regular dinner at home.

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