3 Convincing Reasons Why Angus Beef Is Superior
Although it may seem that all beef is the same to the average beef eater, there is actually a big difference in what types of breed produce the best beef. Genetics, animal breed, and diet, all play a huge role in how it tastes when it hits your mouth. One could make an argument for what breed is best however there is a general consensus with one breed that stands out. The black American Angus. Here's why Angus beef is considered better…

Angus were initially bred to be able to survive in colder winters. Their bodies are naturally smaller and compact. Due to this, Angus have become muscular and sturdy animals. Due to their genetics along with a mix of grass & grain diet, Angus disperse the amount of fat very well throughout their bodies.

Angus generally have superior marbling compared to other beef breeds. Angus meat tends to be a little more fatty which gives it exquisite marbling. The fat keeps the meat moist when cooking and helps bring out delicious flavor. Fat is not necessarily great for eating but it is extremely important when cooking to get a great tasting meat. Angus beef tends to have the highest meat grade out of all other beef breeds.

Although diet can affect any type of meat, at Merica Meats, our Angus are fed a mix of grass and grain diet. Angus does an excellent job of turning a pasture full of grass, into an amazing steak. The grass fed vs grain fed conversation is one for a different time however, if you ever try a Merica Meats steak, there will be no argument as to which is better.
Since there are so many different factors that can contribute to the very best tasting steak, it is always best to judge the meat on its USDA “grade”. Prime is always going to be the best and select will be mediocre. With all that being said, it's safe to say that when sitting down to enjoy an American raised black Angus beef burger, your taste buds will be jumping.
By: Gary Wall
Founder: Merica Meats
Learn More: Mericameats.com